Jivan of Guru Amar Das Ji

Written on 11/21/2018
SGGS Academy

"The Honour of the Unhonoured; The Strength of the strengthless; The Home of the Homeless; The Respect for those who have none; The Support for Unsupported; The Hope for Hopeless; The Calmness for Calmless; The Prophet of all prophets; The Time for Timeless; The Liberator of the Captives; The Protector of the Unprotected; The Benefactor of poor”.

Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Nanak the third, was a vibrant and the most aged among all the other Sikh Gurus. Guru Amar Das Ji believed in the equality of all humans.  Guru Amar Das, is referred to as "an incomparable Guru" in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji,  ‘Bhalle Amar Das Gun Tere, Teri Upma Tohe Ban Avai’. Not in the sense of unparalleled qualitative superiority or imperial spiritual status, for, according to Sikh doctrines there is no social hierarchy in the world of the Spirit and no gradation of excellence or rank amongst God’s prophets or men otherwise ‘manifestation of God Himself’. The Sikh scripture refers to all true prophets and men filled with the Holy Spirit, as ‘co-equal and entitled to utmost reverence’. But there are differences of identity and in the aroma of the time-climate in which the prophets and the messengers of God manifest themselves and operate. It is in this sense that Guru Amar Das is referred to as ‘incomparable’ by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji1
1.2 Guru Ka Langgar

Jivan Guru Amar Das Ji Jivan Guru Amar Das Ji